30日間連続 1ch 心電図ホルター又は二週間連続モニター用設定可 FDA認可済 本邦研究用

30日間連続 1ch 心電図ホルター又は二週間連続モニター用設定可 FDA認可済 本邦研究用

体温センサー 0.1°精度 72時間 ディスポ スマホ・タブレット連携 FDA認可 本邦研究用

体温センサー 0.1°精度 72時間 ディスポ スマホ・タブレット連携 FDA認可 本邦研究用


Validation of P wave detection

Validation of P wave detection The result rate of Cardiospy algorithms is determined by testing on a reference database, thus validating the P wave detection algorithm. The reference database contains typical P wave occurrences: small and large amplitudes, mono and biphasic, narrow and wide, short and long PQ distances. The result of the algorithm is: Se = 95.42%, Pp = 97.16%. (Se = Sensitivity; Pp = Positive predictivity) Validation of disease types associated with P wave detection The Cardiospy system uses the P wave analysis to detect various AV blocks and Atrial Fibrillation. Similarly to the P wave detection, determination of the result ratio of AV blocks and Atrial Fibrillation analyses is also performed by reference to a reference database. The reference databases consist of some of the representative records collected from MitBih (AF) database and partly by Labtech Ltd. Result of algorithms: Se[%] Pp[%] AF 96.46 98.71 AV-I 100 99.58 AV-II-M1 100 95.24 AV-II-M2 78.57 80 AV-III 76.12 99.23 Displaying P waves in Bird View In the Cardiospy software using the Bird View option, the presence or absence of P waves or changes in morphology can be easily inspected visually:

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